Our trauma therapy process is loosely divided into four essential stages to ensure a comprehensive and structured approach to healing:
Stage one: Building trust with your therapist
The foundation of effective trauma therapy lies in a strong therapeutic relationship. At Recovery Lighthouse, our therapists work diligently to establish trust and rapport with you, creating a safe and supportive environment where you can comfortably share your experiences. This initial stage focuses on understanding your background, exploring your addiction history and identifying the goals you wish to achieve in therapy.
Stage two: Revealing and addressing past trauma
During this stage, you’ll delve into the past to identify and address the traumatic experiences that have contributed to your addiction. Your therapist will guide you through the process of exploring and understanding these events, using various techniques such as “imaginal exposure”. This stage aims to help you process the emotions tied to your past traumas, allowing you to release pent-up feelings and develop healthier coping mechanisms.
Stage three: Creating an impact statement
An impact statement is a powerful tool for acknowledging the effects of trauma on your life. You will work with your therapist to create a comprehensive statement that outlines the consequences of your traumatic experiences, allowing you to recognise and accept the reality of your past. This will help you to clarify how your past trauma led to your substance abuse and ultimate addiction and will also highlight any areas where you may need additional support going forward.
Stage four: Confronting the people who caused your trauma
The final stage of trauma therapy involves confronting those responsible for your trauma in a safe and controlled environment. This process allows for closure and helps you reclaim your power, fostering personal growth and resilience. As the actual perpetrators will not be present, this stage involves you reading out your impact statement during a group therapy session so you can benefit from peer support.