12-Step Therapy | Benefits and How it is Used

12-step therapy is a powerful treatment methodology that provides structured and clear guidelines for addiction recovery. A tried and tested approach, 12-step therapy has helped countless individuals regain control of their lives, and it can help you too. Whether you are battling an addiction to drugs, alcohol or compulsive behaviour, you can find peace and wellness by following the 12 steps.

Recovery Lighthouse offers a 12-step programme as part of our holistic treatment plan. We can help you to build a brighter future, free from the harms of addiction.

Recovery book

What is 12-step therapy?

The 12-step therapy model was first introduced in the 1930s by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and has since been adopted by many addiction treatment programmes worldwide. The 12-step philosophy is based on the belief that addiction is a condition that affects your physical, mental and spiritual health. It emphasises the importance of surrendering to a “higher power” and seeking support from a community of others in recovery.

The 12 steps provide a roadmap for you to address your addiction, make amends for any harm caused and build a new way of life based on spiritual principles.

What are the 12 steps?

  • Acceptance: The first step encourages you to admit and accept that there is a problem, and by doing so you take control of your addiction.
  • Trust: Trusting in a “higher power” gives you hope for recovery. Your higher power does not have to be a religious God – it can be anything important to you.
  • Liberation: Acknowledge your chosen higher power and engage with the way it wants you to live.
  • Understanding: Examine past thoughts and behaviours and assess the morality of your actions.
  • Acknowledgement: Acknowledge and share past mistakes with others. While this may be difficult, it opens the door for deep connections and the realisation that no one is perfect.
  • Freedom: Let go of thoughts and behaviours that damage you and your life.
  • Growth: Focus on practising humility and connecting with your chosen higher power as you look for guidance.
  • Reflection: Reflect on the damage and hurt that your addiction has caused and become comfortable with the idea of making amends.
  • Forgiveness: Ask for forgiveness and put right the damage your addiction has caused, but only if this will not cause more pain in another’s life.
  • Continuity: Continue on your journey of personal growth by constantly assessing your thoughts and behaviours and how they might impact you.
  • Connection: Connect with your chosen higher power and look for insight – this could take the form of meditation or journaling as a method of reflection.
  • Helping others: The final step asks you to share the lessons you have learned through 12-step therapy and support others on their same journey.

What challenges might I face in the 12-step programme?

Addiction recovery is a journey and it may include some obstacles along the way. While the 12-step programme has been proven as an effective treatment, just like other therapies, it does not come without its challenges.

Some of the most common challenges faced during the 12-step programme include:

  • Resistance to the spiritual “higher power”: The 12-step philosophy places a strong emphasis on spirituality and surrendering to a higher power. Some individuals struggle with this aspect, especially if they do not come from a religious background. It can be helpful to use the acronym “Good Orderly Direction”, instead of the word, “God”, and remember that your higher power can be anything at all.
  • Taking ownership of your actions: In 12-step therapy, you are encouraged to take an honest inventory of your past behaviour and make amends for any harm caused. This can be an incredibly difficult and emotionally challenging process.
  • Being open and honest in a group setting: 12-step therapy requires vulnerability, and for most people this is daunting. However, sharing your experiences and listening to others can provide a sense of community and support, helping you to see that you are not alone in your struggles.
  • Staying committed: Recovery is a lifelong journey and it can be easy to lose motivation or become complacent over time. Staying committed to the 12-step philosophy and attending meetings regularly can help maintain motivation and build a strong foundation for lasting recovery.

Addiction recovery requires resilience and dedication, even through the hard times. Recovery Lighthouse is here to support you through the good and the bad – our team can provide you with all the resources you need to succeed.

What can the 12-step programme offer me?

As one of the most renowned addiction treatments, 12-step therapy provides numerous benefits for those who participate. Some of the benefits of our 12-step programme include:

  • A support network of others in recovery
  • Structured and planned approach to recovery
  • A sense of accountability
  • A non-judgmental environment that promotes honesty
  • Spiritual and personal growth
  • Can be adapted to address a range of addictions

The rehab treatment programme at Recovery Lighthouse can offer you hope for a productive and more fulfilling life and freedom from the addiction that is holding you back. With the help of our team, you will be able to achieve lasting sobriety, heal from the damage caused by addiction and start to enjoy life again.

Will the 12-step programme work for me?

The success of 12-step therapy depends on a variety of factors, including your willingness to participate, your commitment to the programme and the level of support you receive. To make the most out of 12-step therapy, it is important to stay open-minded and willing to delve into the 12 steps wholeheartedly.

Having said that, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to addiction treatment, and what works well for one person may not have the same impact on you. This is why Recovery Lighthouse offers a wide variety of therapy modalities alongside 12-step, allowing you to explore different treatment options and find out what works best for you.

Get started today

At Recovery Lighthouse, we are committed to providing compassionate care to every single one of our clients. We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to live a life free from addiction, and our goal is to help you reach this point. If you have any questions about our 12-step programme, or if you are ready to embark on a transformative journey towards optimal wellness, get in touch with our admissions team today.

Frequently asked questions

How long does it take to go through a 12-step programme?
Everyone’s journey is unique when it comes to addiction recovery and so the duration of a 12-step programme will depend on your individual circumstances. Some may complete the 12 steps in a matter of months, while others may continue to work on the steps for several years. It is important to go at your own pace and remember that progress, not perfection, is key.
What does it mean to make amends in a 12-step programme?
Making amends may involve apologising directly to individuals or groups that have been impacted by your addiction, making restitution for damages or losses or making a commitment to change harmful behaviours and attitudes. The process of making amends can be difficult and emotional, but it is an important step towards rebuilding relationships.
What steps will I complete at Recovery Lighthouse?
The number of steps you complete during rehab depends on your length of stay, but usually we aim to address the first 3 steps. Once you leave rehab, you are free to continue working on the rest of the steps.

Alcoholics Anonymous has historically been a safe space for recovery. AA’s 12-step program has helped … More


The availability of therapies may vary across UKAT centres. The specific therapies provided will be determined based on your treatment plan and the programme offered at your chosen facility. All treatments are subject to clinical assessment and programme availability at the time of admission. For further details on the therapies included in your treatment plan, please contact our admissions team.