Preventing oxycodone relapse is a crucial aspect of long-term recovery but making the transition from the sanctuary of oxycodone rehab back to real life is often challenging. To help you stay the course, here are six crucial tips for preventing oxycodone relapse:
1. Engage in aftercare…
Aftercare is essential for long-term oxycodone recovery because it prevents isolation and keeps you accountable. Recovery Lighthouse offers all clients one year of free weekly group therapy for ongoing support after completing our oxycodone rehab programme.
2. Build a support network…
Surrounding yourself with positive and supportive individuals can help also prevent oxycodone relapse as it gives you people to lean on during difficult moments. This can include family, friends, support groups and the therapists you met during oxycodone rehab.
3. Participate in the UKAT alumni programme…
All clients are invited to join our alumni programme which is a great way to make new friends, attend exclusive events and receive ongoing support, motivation and healthcare professionals.
4. Develop healthy coping mechanisms…
These can include exercise, mindfulness and hobbies and can help you manage stress and other triggers without turning to oxycodone to cope.
5. Avoiding triggers…
Identifying and avoiding triggers that may lead to oxycodone use is a crucial part of preventing relapse. Triggers can include people, places and things associated with oxycodone use which no longer have a place in your new life.
6. Be honest and accountable…
Being honest with yourself and others about the challenges of oxycodone recovery and seeking help when needed can help prevent relapse.
Obstacles to overcome during oxycodone rehab
It is often said that recovery is a marathon, but in fact, it is more like an obstacle course. There are many obstacles which you will need to overcome during oxycodone recovery but each will make you stronger, reinforce your resolve and give you the motivation you need to keep going. Some common obstacles include: