You undoubtedly want to know exactly what you are up against, but Halcion detox doesn’t follow a strict timeline. Your own experience of Halcion withdrawal may be different to somebody else’s because of how much you have been using or just how healthy you are overall. To give you a general idea of what you might expect, however, here is a typical breakdown of the Halcion withdrawal process:
The first week
Halcion withdrawal symptoms start knocking within the first or second day after you stop. Anxiety, insomnia, shaking and sweating are usually the first signs, starting off mild but becoming more intense by the end of the first week.
The second week
Halcion withdrawal symptoms usually hit their peak during this phase. Muscle spasms, mood swings and a constant feeling of restlessness make this the hardest stage to get through and also the one where professional help is most important. Despite the discomfort, this phase is also the turning point in Halcion recovery. The intensified symptoms are a positive sign that your brain and body are returning to normal.
The end of the first month
By now, the worst should be behind you, and you can start looking forward to a cleaner bill of health. Most physical Halcion withdrawal symptoms will have faded though your brain may still need a little more adjustment time with anxiety or sleep problems lingering.
Ongoing symptoms
If you have been using Halcion for a long time or in big doses, some symptoms might still emerge beyond the first month. Halcion cravings or difficulty sleeping could crop up from time to time but our ongoing support helps you tackle these challenges head-on.