Insomnia and Addiction | Symptoms and Treatment Options
Sleep is supposed to be a sanctuary, a chance for your body and mind to recharge. But when you have insomnia, it can turn your nights into a desperate battle and cloud your days in a fog of exhaustion. Many people turn to drugs or alcohol to get some rest, only to find addiction setting in and worsening their insomnia symptoms. Addiction thrives in the sleepless hours of insomnia, with the two conditions intensifying each other. If you are looking for rest and relief, Recovery Lighthouse can help you reclaim your nights, your days and your future.
What is insomnia?
Insomnia is a widespread sleep disorder that affects around a third of all people in the UK. Sometimes, it is about never quite falling asleep (onset insomnia), while other times, it is waking up repeatedly or feeling like sleep never truly gives you the rest you need (maintenance insomnia).
In either case, there are two main types of insomnia:
1. Acute insomnia
Acute insomnia is the short-term version, often sparked by a big life change, a burst of stress or even a noisy neighbour disrupting your usual sleep routine.
2. Chronic insomnia
This is the long-haul variety which is defined as exhibiting insomnia symptoms at least three times a week for three months or more. Chronic insomnia often ties into deeper health or emotional challenges that refuse to be ignored, including addiction.
The effects of insomnia can ripple far beyond the bedroom as sleepless nights create days of exhaustion, irritability and foggy thinking. Over time, insomnia can lead to more serious issues like mental health struggles, weight loss and even a weakened immune system.