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Last Updated:
February 3rd, 2025
Eating Disorders | Symptoms, Effects and Treatment
For many of us, food is one of the best things in life. But for some, it can be a nightmare. Eating disorders are serious conditions that involve disordered thoughts and behaviours around food, weight and body shape. There are several different types of eating disorders but all can have severe physical and mental health consequences. When you are suffering from an eating disorder, it can seem like a helpless situation but help is available. Eating disorder rehab can help you to recover from these awful conditions, achieve a healthier relationship with food and lead a happy, fulfilling life.
What are eating disorders?
Eating disorders are behavioural addictions which manifest as a compulsion to consume food, restrict eating or lose control over how much they eat. These conditions are incredibly difficult to live with because food is an essential part of life so sufferers have a daily battle with themselves and their disorder.