How to Find the Right Sponsor

Most adults in the UK drink alcohol during their lives. They may like to have a couple of glasses of wine on the weekend or a beer or two at a barbeque. Alcohol is a legal substance and one that most people drink in moderation. However, for some individuals, alcohol consumption becomes habitual and something they do without even thinking.

Many people automatically reach for a bottle of wine to accompany their dinner. They do not even think about this; it is just something that they do every day. And, while one glass of wine with dinner may not cause serious harm, when that one glass becomes two or more, it can have devastating consequences.

The truth is that many people who develop alcoholism do so gradually, and many do not even notice they have a problem until a loved one expresses concern. It is then that the affected individual may reach out for help.

What is a Sponsor

Those who want to get help for an alcohol addiction may require a programme of detoxification initially to get clean, followed by rehabilitation. Even after completion of a rehabilitation programme, it is advisable to continue to maintain your sobriety by joining a fellowship group such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA).

If you are familiar with the concept of AA, you may know about sponsors. If you have been through treatment already, you might have a sponsor (someone who introduced you to AA). A sponsor is someone you can lean on for advice and support throughout your recovery. You may be uncomfortable with the idea of sharing your thoughts and feelings with a complete stranger, but sponsors have proven to be effective when it comes to successful recovery.

How to Choose a Sponsor

A sponsor is a crucial part of your recovery, so it is important that you choose carefully if you do not already have one. This person will not be emotionally involved in your life but will get to know you in-depth. He or she will have experience with their own recovery and will be able to provide you with first-hand knowledge of the recovery process. There are certain qualities that your sponsor should possess. Below are a few examples:

  • Quality sobriety – It is a good idea to look for someone at your meeting who appears to be happy and content with their sobriety. The person you choose should be well respected within the fellowship group and should be confident.
  • Long sobriety – The length of time the person has been sober is important. It is advisable to look for someone who has been in recovery for at least three or four years and who is much further along than you are.
  • Success as a sponsor – You may want to look for someone who has already been a sponsor for someone else and who has been successful. Obviously, every sponsor has to start somewhere, but if you can find an individual who has a record of success, it would be preferable.
  • Good personality – It is important that you are comfortable talking to the person you wish to be your sponsor. Look for an individual that you like listening to and one who you find it easy to talk to.
  • Availability – Your sponsor is someone who you should be able to contact when you need to. If possible, look for a sponsor who lives locally to you so that you can meet face to face at least once a week and someone who will be available by phone when you need to talk.
  • Trustworthy – The reason for having a sponsor is so that you can share your innermost feelings and thoughts, so you need to trust this person completely.
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