Zaleplon Addiction | Signs, Symptoms and Effects
When you are constantly tossing and turning at night, Zaleplon can feel like a miracle, offering the promise of peaceful sleep. But while Zaleplon may seem like the answer to your sleepless prayers, it can carry a hidden danger: addiction. Often starting innocently, Zaleplon addiction can quietly fester into a serious problem with real consequences for your health and well-being. If you are planning to take Zaleplon or you are worried that you may already be addicted, this page will tell you everything you need to know about Zaleplon addiction.
What is Zaleplon?
Zaleplon is a sleeping pill that is usually prescribed to combat insomnia. It belongs to the Z-drug family (a group of medicines that all start with “Z”), which was developed as a safer alternative to older sleep aids like benzodiazepines. These previous medicines, while effective, often cause serious side effects and carry a high risk of sleeping pills addiction.
Zaleplon works by supercharging the effects of GABA, the brain’s natural “calm down” chemical. These effects make it easier to relax, let go of the day’s stress and finally get some shut-eye. However, while Zaleplon is generally considered to be safer than older medicines, it is not perfect. Addiction can develop over time, and Zaleplon side effects are possible with some of the more common issues, including:
- Sleepwalking and similar behaviours
- Feeling dizzy, unsteady on your feed or lightheaded
- Daytime grogginess or trouble staying alert
- Short-term memory hiccups
Because of these risks, Zaleplon is a tightly controlled Class C drug in the UK. This means it is prescription-only, and illegal Zaleplon abuse can lead to hefty fines or even a prison sentence.