If you have noticed the symptoms of oxycodone addiction in a loved one, approaching them can be a daunting prospect. However, your intervention could be the difference between life and death so it is crucial that you take action.
It is very important that you choose the right moment to approach your loved one and that you do so in a safe place when they haven’t been taking oxycodone. Try to remain calm and focus on the deeper issues underlying their addiction, rather than getting angry or accusing them. Explain why you are worried about them and listen to what they have to say without judgement.
To prepare yourself for this conversation, learn as much as possible about oxycodone addiction so that you are equipped with the knowledge you need to help them get the treatment they require. Show them this page and offer your support during every stage of their recovery.
It is also crucial that you do not enable your loved one’s oxycodone addiction. This means not giving them money or providing them with shelter if they have been using oxycodone. Whilst this may seem harsh, it is a necessary step to help them break the cycle of addiction and move forward.
If your loved one is resistant to getting help, you may need to be patient and wait for them to be ready. You cannot force somebody to get help, but you can continue to love them and provide support when they are ready.