Morphine Addiction | Signs, Symptoms and Effects
Morphine is a commonly prescribed medication which is used for treating severe pain in the body. It is only available on prescription and there are strict rules surrounding its use. However, despite these rules, morphine is a commonly abused substance and morphine addiction can develop as a result of both prescription and recreational use. Once you become addicted to morphine, it can be very difficult to overcome but there is help available. Recovery Lighthouse has helped many people struggling with morphine addiction to find the support and care they need to turn their lives around.
What is morphine and why is it addictive?
Morphine is an opioid drug which is derived from the opium poppy plant. It works by binding to certain areas in the brain and spinal cord, blocking the transmission of pain signals. Morphine is used for a wide range of medical conditions, from post-operative pain to cancer pain and, when used correctly, it can be very effective in managing pain. Some of the common brand names that morphine is sold under include Zomorph, MST, Morphgesic, Sevredol, MXL and Oramorph.
Despite its medical uses, however, morphine also has a high potential for misuse because it produces a feeling of euphoria which can make users feel relaxed and content. When you abuse morphine recreationally, you can quickly develop a tolerance to the drug, which means you need higher and higher doses in order to achieve the same effects. This can lead to physical dependence where your body becomes reliant on the drug in order to function normally and finally addiction where you compulsively take morphine even though you know it is causing you harm.
Morphine addiction can also result from prescription morphine use in a similar way, particularly if morphine is taken in greater doses or for longer than prescribed. This is why it is so important to follow the advice of your doctor when taking morphine and to seek help immediately if you notice any of the signs of morphine addiction.