Temazepam Addiction | Signs, Symptoms and Effects
Temazepam is often seen as a sleep-saving solution for serious insomnia, helping desperately tired people drift off during restless nights. However, Temazepam addiction can see dreams of relief descend into nightmares of dependency and drug abuse. Temazepam addiction brings with it a host of life-affecting and even life-threatening dangers. Understanding the link between Temazepam and addiction, as well as its impacts and potential treatments, can help prevent destructive and potentially deadly outcomes.
What is Temazepam?
Temazepam is a medication often prescribed for severe insomnia, helping people get the rest they need when other options aren’t working. It is part of the benzodiazepine family, which are medicines designed to calm down overactive nerves and quiet your mind.
Usually taken as a pill right before bed, Temazepam helps you fall asleep quickly and stops you from waking up during the night. However, because your body can adjust very quickly to Temazepam, doctors usually only prescribe it for a few weeks to prevent Temazepam addiction from developing.