Antidepressant addiction is a form of substance use disorder that develops when a person becomes dependent on antidepressant medication. The condition is characterised as a compulsive need to keep taking antidepressants even though it is causing harm in your life.
Like any other addiction, antidepressant addiction can start with a legitimate need for the medication but then can quickly spiral out of control, taking over every aspect of your life.
To better understand how antidepressant addiction can develop, let us introduce Jane, a fictional character with an all-too-real story:
Jane was a secondary school teacher who was feeling down and anxious. She visited her doctor who diagnosed her with depression and prescribed her an SSRI antidepressant. At first, the medication seemed to help and Jane was able to manage her symptoms.
Over time, however, Jane began to notice that the medication wasn’t working as well as it used to. She went back to her doctor, who increased her dosage. This continued for several years, with Jane needing higher and higher doses of the medication to feel any relief.
Eventually, Jane found that she couldn’t function without the medication and she began to experience withdrawal symptoms when she tried to stop taking it. She was caught in a cycle of antidepressant addiction and it began taking a serious toll on her health, relationships and well-being.
Jane’s story is typical of the clients we meet every day at Recovery Lighthouse and we are dedicated to helping all of them overcome antidepressant addiction and restart their lives.