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January 20th, 2025
Cannabis Addiction | Signs, Symptoms and Effects
Cannabis, also known as marijuana, is a widely used recreational drug in the UK with nearly 8% of people aged between 16-59 having reported using it within the last year alone. Those numbers make cannabis one of the most prevalent drugs used in Britain, and although many individuals use it and never develop an addiction, it does come with its risks.
Despite the controversies around how addictive marijuana is, research has found that 30% of users will go on to develop marijuana use disorder. These statistics pose challenging questions about the role of this drug in society, and whether or not it should be considered a safe non-addictive substance or one that should be avoided at all costs.
What is cannabis and how does it work?
Cannabis is a plant that belongs to the Cannabaceae family and is currently a class B substance in the UK. This carries penalties of up to 5 years in prison and/or an unlimited fine if you are caught with it in your possession.
Cannabis contains compounds called cannabinoids, of which the two most well-known are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). THC is the compound responsible for producing a euphoric high, while CBD does not affect a person’s state of mind and is now used to treat some medical conditions such as seizures. THC compounds interact with cell receptors in the brain responsible for physiological processes such as memory, mood, appetite, sleep and pain sensation. These interactions can influence how you may perceive and experience certain sensations or conditions.
Additionally, THC interferes with activity within the neurotransmitter GABA, and this is responsible for the sleepy or relaxing feelings associated with this drug. It is these chemical responses in the brain that make marijuana addictive and leave you coming back for more.
Cannabis is usually smoked (either as a ‘joint’ cigarette or via a ‘bong’ pipe) or baked into food and eaten (also referred to as ‘edibles’). Other common nicknames for cannabis or marijuana include Dope, Pot, Grass, Weed, Ganja, Hash, Skunk, Herb or Reefa.