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Last Updated:
January 27th, 2025
Sex and Love Addiction | Effects and Treatment
Sex and love are at the centre of human experience and play an important role in people’s lives. But when these feelings and behaviours become uncontrollable and start to interfere with your life and relationships, you may be suffering from sex or love addiction. These conditions don’t get the same attention as other forms of addiction but they can be equally harmful both to the individual and those around them. If you are suffering from sex and love addiction, there is hope. At Recovery Lighthouse, we have helped many people to overcome addiction and take back control of their lives.
- Page Content
- What are sex and love addictions?
- What are the causes of sex and love addiction?
- Do I have a sex or love addiction?
- What are the effects of sex and love addiction?
- Common myths about sex and love addiction
- What does sex and love rehab involve?
- Sex and love addiction aftercare
- How to get help for sex and love addiction
- Frequently asked questions
What are sex and love addictions?
Sex addiction and love addiction are both behavioural addictions but there are some key differences between them.
Sex addiction is a compulsive need to engage in sexual activities. It can involve a range of behaviours such as obsessively viewing pornography, having multiple partners, excessive masturbation or engaging in risky sexual behaviour.
Love addiction is an obsessive attachment to and dependency on another person. It often involves intense feelings of infatuation and longing for the other person and can lead to inappropriate behaviour such as prolonged stalking or obsessive communication. The subject of love addiction can be a current partner, an ex or even a stranger. Love addiction can also be a generalised dependency on relationships and deep dissatisfaction when single.
Both love and sex addiction can often co-exist as the two are intertwined and feed off each other.
Recovery Lighthouse is here to help you and your loved ones understand the causes for addiction and find the right solutions for a long-lasting sobriety. Contact us today for an assessment!